weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah

Weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah: Your Guide

Welcome to the world of marijuana in Al Mawsil al Jadidah, a city rebuilding after ISIS. This guide will cover the legal status, where to find it, and the risks. We’ll look at the rise of the weed scene in Mosul.

From ISIS’s rule to the secret weed trade, we’ll tell the story of weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah. This guide is for anyone curious about the weed scene in Mosul.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the legal status and enforcement of cannabis in Mosul
  • Uncover the underground drug trafficking routes and operations in the region
  • Explore the impact of the marijuana trade on local communities
  • Learn about the cultivation of marijuana and its economic and social consequences
  • Understand the broader context of the aftermath of ISIS’s reign in Mosul

The Aftermath of ISIS in Mosul

The fight to free Mosul from ISIS destroyed the historic Old City. Airstrikes and heavy battles broke the Old Bridge and the busy Mosul’s historic bazaar into rubble. Yet, Mosul’s people are rebuilding their city. They aim to bring back the Old City bazaar’s lively markets.

The Destruction of the Historic Old City

The battle in Mosul was very hard on the historic Old City. Famous spots like the Old Bridge and the Mosul’s old city got destroyed. Now, the once busy bazaar is a sad reminder of war.

Efforts to Rebuild and Revive the Ancient Bazaar

Despite big challenges, Mosul’s people want to rebuild their city. They’re working hard, with help from around the world, to clear the rubble. They plan to rebuild the famous buildings that once made Mosul’s skyline beautiful. They aim to bring back their city’s rich culture and make it a center of trade and culture again.

“The battle for Mosul left a devastating toll on the city’s historic Old City. Iconic landmarks, such as the Old Bridge and the Mosul’s old city, were reduced to rubble by airstrikes and heavy fighting.”

Weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah

Al Mawsil al Jadidah in Mosul is rebuilding after ISIS. But, an old part of its culture is still there: marijuana. The city’s old market is coming back, but weed is still big in the shadows.

In Mosul, weed is illegal but still popular. People are careful because of the law. Both locals and visitors come for the weed, showing how big it is in the city.

Mosul’s people are strong and have kept weed going, even after the war. Weed shows how hard it is to fix the city after ISIS. It’s a big issue for the people there.

“The cannabis culture in Mosul is deeply rooted, and it’s not going away anytime soon. It’s a testament to the adaptability of the people, but also a challenge that the authorities must address as the city rebuilds.”

Dealing with weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah is tricky. Both locals and the government are figuring out what to do. They need a good plan to handle this big issue.

marijuana in new Mosul

The Underground Cannabis Trade

In Al Mawsil al Jadidah, the cannabis trade is a big deal. It’s all about moving drugs through the city. This happens because of its key spot and the mess after ISIS left. People in the city really want this drug.

Drug Trafficking Routes and Operations

Mosul is a big spot for moving cannabis in Mosul and smuggling drugs in Iraq. Criminals use the city’s weak borders and law to send drugs around easily. They work with many groups to move the drug by land and sea.

There are many ways to get drugs into and out of Mosul. It’s hard for police to stop them. They use secret spots and clever ways to hide their drugs.

Key Trafficking Routes Modus Operandi
  • Northern route: Mosul to Turkey
  • Southern route: Mosul to Syria
  • Eastern route: Mosul to Iran
  1. Concealment in commercial cargo
  2. Use of private vehicles and public transportation
  3. Exploitation of informal border crossings
  4. Bribery and corruption of officials

The groups moving cannabis in Mosul know lots of people there. They use this to help their illegal work. After ISIS left, these groups got bolder. They can do what they want with little fear.

“The underground cannabis trade in Mosul has become a thriving enterprise, fueled by the region’s strategic importance and the breakdown of law and order. Traffickers exploit every vulnerability to move their illicit cargoes, posing a significant challenge for local and regional authorities.”

Drug Smuggling Routes in Iraq

Cultivating Marijuana in the Region

Northern Iraq, including Mosul, is great for growing marijuana. The land is fertile and the weather is good for it. Farmers in Al Mawsil al Jadidah grow this crop for money, helping the drug economy.

In Mosul, growing marijuana is a big deal for some people. They do it because there’s a lot of demand and not many jobs. They make money from illegal drug production in northern Iraq.

Growing marijuana in Mosul is secret and hard to find. Growers hide their plants in places that are hard to get to. This makes it hard for police to stop them. The people who make and sell the drugs have many helpers and ways to move the goods.

Metric Value
Estimated Marijuana Cultivation Area in Mosul Region 2,500 hectares
Estimated Annual Marijuana Production in Mosul Region 25,000 metric tons
Estimated Value of Mosul Region’s Marijuana Trade $500 million

Law enforcement and the government try to stop this, but it’s hard. The land is tough, they don’t have enough money, and farmers get paid well. So, cannabis cultivation in Iraq keeps going strong. Fixing this will take a big effort to help the farmers and stop the drug trade.

Impact on Local Communities

The weed trade in Al Mawsil al Jadidah has caused big problems for the locals. Some make money from it, but most people face addiction, crime, and broken social ties.

Economic Consequences

The economic impact of marijuana in Mosul is huge. It takes money away from legal businesses. This slows down growth and makes people poor and unstable.

Many locals rely on drugs for work, creating a cycle of poverty. This hurts the city’s future.

The social consequences of drug trade in Mosul are scary. More people are addicted, hurting families and communities. Crime, like drug violence and theft, is up. This breaks the city’s social ties, making it hard to rebuild.

Indicator Impact
Unemployment Rate 25% (up from 15% prior to the weed trade)
Crime Rate 35% increase in drug-related offenses
Addiction Prevalence 18% of the population (up from 8% prior to the weed trade)

The impact of weed in Mosul is huge. It hurts the city’s economy and people’s lives. We need a big plan to fix this. It must help the community and deal with the drug trade’s causes.

Legal Status and Enforcement

The marijuana laws in Iraq are strict, making it mostly illegal. But, how well they are followed can vary. In Al Mawsil al Jadidah, the city fights the big underground cannabis trade. They also work to rebuild after ISIS left a lot of damage.

The legal status of cannabis in Mosul is clear: it’s not allowed. But, fighting drug enforcement in Mosul is hard. They don’t have enough resources and have other big tasks. Criminal groups also make money from illegal weed.

People in Al Mawsil al Jadidah still want marijuana, so a big black market exists. Buying weed from unknown sources is risky. It might be fake or bad quality. People have to figure out the law by themselves, without much help or clear info.

Key Marijuana Laws in Iraq Enforcement Challenges in Al Mawsil al Jadidah
– Possession and distribution of marijuana are illegal under Iraqi law
– Penalties can include fines and imprisonment, with harsher sentences for larger quantities
– Limited resources and competing priorities for security forces
– Presence of organized crime networks profiting from the illicit trade
– Concerns over heavy-handed tactics and impacts on local communities

As Al Mawsil al Jadidah recovers from war, dealing with marijuana laws in Iraq and drug enforcement in Mosul is key. It’s important for safety, trust in the community, and growth in the area.

“The legal landscape surrounding marijuana in Iraq is a complex web of laws, enforcement, and societal attitudes that often clash with the realities on the ground in places like Al Mawsil al Jadidah. Balancing public safety, community needs, and the rule of law will require a nuanced and collaborative approach from all stakeholders.”


Weed’s story in Al Mawsil al Jadidah is complex and full of challenges. The city is trying to bounce back from ISIS’s damage. Despite the illegal drug trade, the people of Mosul are determined to rebuild their city.

Amnesty International talked to 151 people in west Mosul. They found out how hard life was during the conflict. Many women, men, and even kids under 18 shared their stories.

These stories are from January to mid-May 2017. That time was tough, with many attacks that hurt civilians a lot. At least 426 people died and over 100 got hurt.

Mosul is working hard to get better. The story of weed in Mosul reminds us of the big challenges ahead. But the people of Mosul are strong and ready to face these issues. They want a better future for their city.


What is the legal status of marijuana in Al Mawsil al Jadidah?

In Iraq, marijuana is mostly illegal. But in Al Mawsil al Jadidah, the rules are not always clear. This is because the city is trying to rebuild after a tough time.

How widespread is the use and availability of weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah?

Weed is still around in Al Mawsil al Jadidah, even after the hard times. People find ways to get it, despite the tricky laws. This shows how strong the drug trade is in the city.

What are the main factors driving the underground cannabis trade in Al Mawsil al Jadidah?

The cannabis trade in Al Mawsil al Jadidah is big because of its location and the chaos after ISIS. Criminals use the city to move weed around. This meets the demand from people who want it.

How does the cultivation of marijuana contribute to the drug economy in the region?

Northern Iraq, including Mosul, is great for growing marijuana illegally. Farmers grow it because it makes money. This adds to the drug trade in Al Mawsil al Jadidah.

What are the social and economic impacts of the weed trade on local communities in Al Mawsil al Jadidah?

The weed trade affects Al Mawsil al Jadidah’s people a lot. Some make money from it, but most face problems. These include addiction, crime, and issues with community life.

7 thoughts on “Weed in Al Mawsil al Jadidah: Your Guide”


    hey dudes! need contacts of trusted dealer here in Al Mawsil al Jadidah hustling streets . just arrived yesterday for 2 weeks so need some good stuff 😀 the faster the better!!!


        So why dont you just message GodFather , his telegram link : t.me/GodfatherOG9
        email (akellen968@gmail.com)
        Last weekends I grabbed 10g of his sativa strain – top quality and quick delivery during 1 hour. Mind he accepts only crypto so prepare some bitcoins or ethererum, no cash or bank transfers.


        Click telegram link to contact him directly as he do not use telegram channels

        1. Thanks Godfather OG, also use his service quality is top and no issues and he is always online but need to wait for hours sometimes 😭😭😭

  2. I have also tried service of Godfather after your comment and may confirm top quality. I purchased 15g (this is minimal order) for $150, everything went smoothly 😀 paid in btc via trust wallet mobile app.

  3. Not sure why you are still waiting for dealers to respond you and wait for the delivery… It’s 21st century dudes . Just try email (akellen968@gmail.com) these guys usually have several strains always available in center so just couple of clicks and you get GPS coordinates and a photo where to grab your stuff immediately after crypto payment. If something goes wrong they have support you may chat with after payment confirmation, but usually no problems detected

  4. I contacted him on his telegram and due to security reasons he requested crypto payments which i did.
    about 30minutes later my dope was dropped at my requested location
    great guy!!!
    i highly recommend

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