weed in Mosul

Discover Weed in Mosul: Your Guide to Cannabis

Mosul is Iraq’s second-biggest city. It has faced huge challenges in getting back on its feet after the Islamic State was defeated. The city is still dealing with deadly bombs and leftover explosives from the terrorists. This makes fixing things and getting the economy going very hard.

Even though the Islamic State is gone, they still affect Mosul’s progress. This keeps the city always worried about security.

The drug trade, including weed in Mosul, is a big problem now. Being close to conflict areas in the Middle East makes Mosul a place for illegal drugs. This makes things even harder for the city to recover after the war.

Key Takeaways

  • Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, faces immense challenges in its recovery after the defeat of the Islamic State.
  • The city remains crippled by deadly explosive hazards and unexploded ordnance, stifling infrastructure repair and economic recovery.
  • The drug trade, including the use of weed in Mosul, has become an alarming issue due to the city’s proximity to the Middle East conflict zones.
  • Narcotics trafficking and the illegal substance distribution have further complicated the complex landscape of post-war recovery in Mosul.
  • Understanding the dynamics of the drug trade in Mosul is crucial for addressing the multifaceted challenges facing the city.

Weed in Mosul: The Aftermath of War

Mosul is still dealing with the tough aftermath of war. The city faces many challenges that make recovery hard. Explosives and hidden dangers left by ISIS are a big threat to people’s safety.

Explosive Hazards and Hidden Dangers

There are a lot of unexploded bombs and IEDs in Mosul. These are big obstacles to rebuilding the city. Teams from the United Nations Mine Action Service are working hard to remove these dangers. But, it’s taking a long time, so people don’t feel safe yet.

Amnesty International talked to 151 people from west Mosul. They found out that forces fighting against ISIS killed at least 426 civilians. More than 100 people were also hurt in these attacks.

The Slow Path to Recovery

The streets of Mosul are full of debris and buildings are in ruins. This makes it hard for the city to recover. Independent groups said that attacks by Iraqi and coalition forces killed at least 3,706 civilians from February to June 2017. It’s hard to know how many people died in the battle in west Mosul because it was very intense.

Mosul was taken back in July last year and had about eight million tons of rubble. That’s like the Great Pyramid of Giza three times over. The U.S.-led coalition dropped over 29,000 bombs in Mosul in nine months. This caused a lot of damage.

Mosul and its people are facing a hard road to recovery after the war. Security issues and slow rebuilding are making things tough. These problems show how complex the challenges are after the war in Mosul.

Caught in the Crossfire: Civilian Trauma

Mosul, Iraq’s second-biggest city, is in the middle of a long battle. This has hurt its people a lot. Hospitals are full of patients like 10-year-old Hamza, who saw his dad die in an airstrike. Young shepherds were also shot by snipers from the Islamic State.

These stories show the sad truth of war in the Middle East conflict zones. Families are being broken apart by the violence.

Mosul is now the last big place held by the Islamic State in Iraq. Over a million people live there. The fight to take back the city has lasted over a month. It’s Iraq’s biggest battle since the U.S. invasion in 2003.

The government has slowed down its attack to help the trapped civilians. Soldiers in Mosul have a hard choice. They must decide if they should shoot people who might not be enemies or risk their lives to think they might be innocent.

Informants are very important in Mosul. They tell the military where the Islamic State fighters are hiding among the people. Civilians are asked to help spot the militants.

Children in Mosul are hit hard by the regional instability. They make up about half of those hurt by bombs. Over 90 percent of those killed or hurt in crowded places are regular people, often kids or their parents.

There’s a lot of land in Iraq that’s dangerous because of mines and bombs. This puts 8.5 million people in danger.

“Children in Iraq grow up with gun violence as background music, with many suffering from severe consequences like losing limbs or senses due to war-related trauma.”

But, there are kids like Dalia who want to make a better future. They want to start their own businesses. The civilian trauma in Mosul and other places will affect people for a long time. But, the strength of the people gives us hope for the future.

Traditional Iraqi Cuisine: Comfort in Crisis

During the war, traditional Iraqi cuisine brings comfort to those affected. Saeeda, a 45-year-old displaced Christian from Mosul, makes her family’s dishes in a camp. She bakes bread and makes dolma, her favorite recipe. These dishes help her and others keep their cultural identity alive.

Saeeda’s Dolma Recipe

Saeeda’s dolma shows how Iraqi cuisine stays strong in hard times. She uses Basmati rice instead of rare Anbari rice. This shows her creativity and love for her childhood flavors.

Ingredient Substitution
Anbari rice Basmati rice
Dried limes Lemon juice
Saffron Turmeric

Preserving Cultural Identity

For Saeeda and others, cooking Iraqi dishes is more than cooking. It’s a way to keep their cultural identity alive. Making these dishes helps them feel connected to their roots during hard times.

“Cooking these dishes, it’s like I’m back home in Mosul. The smells and the flavors, they transport me to a time before the war. It’s a small way to hold onto who I am and where I come from.”

As Iraq rebuilds, keeping traditional Iraqi cuisine alive shows their strength. It reminds us of their cultural identity and resilience.

The Illegal Drug Trade in Conflict Zones

Places like Mosul are unstable and chaotic, perfect for the illegal drug trade. Criminals can move illicit substances easily when there’s no good infrastructure or security. This makes life harder for people living there. The Middle East is now a big place for narcotics, making things worse.

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime says the captagon market might be worth $1.39 billion. This drug is a big way for extremist groups to make money. A 2012 report showed how often these groups are involved in crime, like drug trafficking.

Drug Trafficking Statistics Value
Captagon exports from Syria in 2020 $3.46 billion
Captagon pills seized in Italy in 2020 84 million tablets, valued at $1.1 billion
Tramadol shipment intercepted by Greek authorities 26 million tablets, originating from India and destined for Libya and bound for entities associated with the Islamic State

ISIS has found a way to make money by funding fighters and operations. The illegal drug trade is a big part of this. It makes the situation in the region even worse.

Middle East conflict zones

The spread of narcotics in Syria has big social and personal costs. But, these problems are often ignored. The drug trade will likely keep the conflict going, weaken the law, and make it hard to rebuild the economy.

Weed in Mosul: Narcotics Trafficking Amid Regional Instability

The use of weed in Mosul is part of a bigger drug problem. This problem is caused by the instability in the Middle East. The Islamic State (ISIS) is still active in some areas, making things worse.

Groups fighting each other and disputes over land make it easy for drugs to move around. Weed in Mosul is part of this big drug trade. It’s a way for groups to make money in a chaotic place.

ISIS-controlled areas are key for moving and selling drugs. They use the chaos to control the drug trade. This makes the situation very unstable.

Statistic Value
Nearly 1 in 10 of the youth fighters who joined the Islamic State in 2013 and 2014 had previously participated in jihad. 10%
Boko Haram has kidnapped more than 20,000 children since 1987. 20,000
Al Shabaab recruited roughly 1,770 young people in Somalia in 2017 alone. 1,770
Children under the age of 14 made up over one-third of the 6,800 Yazidis that ISIS abducted in Sinjar in 2014. 33%
Approximately 800 to 900 children were reportedly kidnapped from Mosul for religious and military training. 800-900

Groups like ISIS and the chaos in the area make dealing with drugs hard. We need a big plan to fix this problem. It’s not just about weed in Mosul, but also the drug trade overall.

Post-War Challenges and Security Threats

Even though the battle in Mosul is over, the city still faces big post-war challenges and security threats. There are still bombs and hidden IEDs that are dangerous. The Islamic State is still in some areas and helps with contraband smuggling. This makes it hard to make the city safe and stable again.

Contraband Smuggling Routes

The Islamic State controls some areas in Mosul, making a big contraband smuggling network. This illegal trade hurts the city’s economy and helps the terrorists. To fix this, we need to work on both the supply and demand sides of these illegal goods.

ISIS-Controlled Territories

Even though the military beat the Islamic State in Mosul, they still have some areas. These areas are safe spots for the group’s members. They can plan attacks and stop the city from recovering. We must get rid of these groups to make peace last in Mosul.

“The path to recovery and stability in Mosul is an arduous one, requiring sustained efforts to address the deeply rooted problems.”

post-war challenges

Mosul is facing big challenges, but people and the government must work together. By fighting security threats and stopping contraband smuggling, Mosul can move towards a safer future. It will be hard, but the people of Mosul are strong and will get through this.

The Middle East Conflict Zones: A Breeding Ground for Illicit Substances

The Middle East is a place of long-lasting conflict and trouble. It has become a place where illegal drugs spread easily. This is because of weak governments, armed groups, and poor security.

These problems have made it easy for criminals to grow their drug trade. This has made life harder for people living there. They face more dangers from illegal drugs.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been working on this issue. From 2016 to 2021, they tried to stop crime, fight terrorism, and tackle health problems in the Middle East and North Africa.

But, the Middle East is still a place where illegal drugs spread easily. This makes the area unstable and threatens the safety of people living there. Political, economic, and social issues have made it easy for criminals to grow their drug trade.

The world needs to help solve the problems in the Middle East. This includes stopping the spread of illegal drugs. We need to use many ways to fight this problem. This means working on law enforcement, health care, and helping communities.

“The Middle East conflict zones have become a breeding ground for the proliferation of illicit substances, further exacerbating the challenges faced by local populations.”

Conclusion: Navigating the Complex Landscape of Cannabis in Mosul

Mosul is on a tough path to recovery after the Islamic State was defeated. The city faces many challenges, like dangerous explosives and criminal groups in the drug trade. These issues make the city’s situation very fragile.

The city’s future depends on a big plan that fixes the deep problems and helps its strong people rebuild. This plan must look at how weed in Mosul, the drug trade in Iraq, and narcotics trafficking in Middle East conflict zones are linked. By understanding this, we can make better plans to stop illegal substance distribution. This will help make Mosul safer and more prosperous for its people.

The road ahead is hard, but the people of Mosul are determined and strong. With a strong focus on peace, stability, and everyone’s well-being, Mosul can move past its past troubles. It can become a lively, successful community again.


What challenges is Mosul facing in its recovery after the defeat of the Islamic State?

Mosul is still dealing with the war’s aftermath. Explosives and hidden dangers left by the Islamic State are everywhere. The city is filled with debris and its infrastructure is ruined.This makes it hard for the city to recover economically. The terrorist group still has a strong presence, making things dangerous.

How has the prolonged battle for Mosul impacted the civilian population?

The battle for Mosul has been very hard on its people. Hospitals are full of patients who have seen and felt the war’s violence. Many families have been separated by the fighting.

How has traditional Iraqi cuisine provided comfort and normalcy for those affected by the conflict in Mosul?

Traditional Iraqi food brings comfort to those affected by the war. Saeeda, a displaced Christian from Mosul, makes her family’s dishes in a camp. She bakes bread and makes dolma, keeping her culture alive.Sharing these dishes helps her and others feel connected to their past. It brings a sense of home and normalcy.

How has the instability and chaos of conflict zones like Mosul contributed to the proliferation of the illegal drug trade in the region?

Conflict zones like Mosul are perfect for illegal drugs to spread. With weak infrastructure and security, criminal groups can easily move drugs. This makes life harder for locals.The Middle East is now a key place for drug distribution. This adds more trouble to the region.

How does the availability and use of weed in Mosul fit into the broader context of the illegal drug trade fueled by regional instability?

Cannabis in Mosul is part of a bigger drug problem caused by regional instability. The Islamic State still has a strong role in the city, making drug issues more complex. Criminal groups and fighting over land make it easy for drugs to spread.

7 thoughts on “Discover Weed in Mosul: Your Guide to Cannabis”


    hey dudes! need contacts of trusted dealer here in Mosul hustling streets . just arrived yesterday for 2 weeks so need some good stuff 😀 the faster the better!!!


        So why dont you just message GodFather , he telegram link : t.me/GodfatherOG9 .
        email (akellen968@gmail.com)
        Last weekends I grabbed 10g of his sativa strain – top quality and quick delivery during 1 hour. Mind he accepts only crypto so prepare some bitcoins or ethererum, no cash or bank transfers.


        Click telegram link to contact him directly as he do not use telegram channels

        1. Thanks Godfather OG, also use his service quality is top and no issues and he is always online but need to wait for hours sometimes 😭😭😭

  2. I have also tried service of Godfather after your comment and may confirm top quality. I purchased 15g (this is minimal order) for $150, everything went smoothly 😀 paid in btc via trust wallet mobile app.

  3. Not sure why you are still waiting for dealers to respond you and wait for the delivery… It’s 21st century dudes . Just try email (akellen968@gmail.com) these guys usually have several strains always available in center so just couple of clicks and you get GPS coordinates and a photo where to grab your stuff immediately after crypto payment. If something goes wrong they have support you may chat with after payment confirmation, but usually no problems detected

  4. weed tourist lover

    I contacted him on his telegram and due to security reasons he requested crypto payments which i did.
    about 30minutes later my dope was dropped at my requested location
    great guy!!!
    i highly recommend

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